received two “Best of the Blues” awards presented
annually by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Selected
from more than 100 competing entries, the awards recognized the
company’s success in launching CareFirst BlueChoice, a new
regional HMO, and for introducing Senior Rx, a subsidized prescription
drug plan for Maryland seniors.
- CareFirst’s Federal Employee Plan (FEP) division received
a fifth consecutive “High Performance/ Low Cost” award
presented annually by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
in recognition of the division’s claims processing efficiency.
The CareFirst FEP Plan, the largest health care plan for employees
of the federal government, serves more than 532,000 members. CareFirst
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Delaware received an FEP Benefit
Costs Profile Award and a second place Marketing Award for net
enrollment growth.
- CareFirst took first, third and fifth place awards in the Blue
Cross and Blue Shield Association’s annual assessment of
positive “Member Experience.” The assessments measure
how well all Blues plans throughout the United States interact
with and meet the needs of their members.
- Two physicians who are members of CareFirst affiliate physicians
groups gained special recognition in 2002. Dr. Yvette Oquendo,
M.D., of Potomac Physicians, P.A., was named “Doctor of
the Year” by the Maryland Academy of Family Physicians.
Dr. R. Scott Strahlman, M.D., pediatrics department chief with
the Patuxent Medical Group (PMG) affiliate in Columbia, Maryland,
was chosen by Baltimore Magazine as one of the Baltimore area’s
“Top Docs.”
- For the sixth consecutive year, CareFirst was awarded the Blue
Cross and Blue Shield Association’s prestigious Brand Excellence
Award. Only one other Blues Plan in the nation has ever won this
coveted award more than CareFirst.
