Virtual Connect

Senior couple looking at laptop screen To help make healthcare more affordable and accessible CareFirst offers Virtual Connect – an enhanced virtual care benefit embedded in all fully insured Large Group plans* and select Individual and Small Group ACA plan offerings. Virtual Connect provides members with the convenience of $0 PCP, urgent care and mental health visits through CloseKnit, a virtual care practice.

CloseKnit gives members 24/7 access to the support they deserve—from primary and urgent care to therapy and more** through desktop or mobile device.

Virtual Connect does not replace any existing PCP, urgent care or mental health benefits – it is another option for affordable, virtual care.

Virtual Connect is optional for self-insured plans. See plan details for Individual and Small Group ACA plans with Virtual Connect – available for new sales and renewals.

For more information and to register for CloseKnit, visit

*Grandfathered fully insured 51+ plans are excluded from Virtual Connect. Members with an HSA-qualified plan will pay $0 for non-preventive care after meeting the deductible.

**Providers will use their professional judgment to determine if a telemedicine visit is appropriate or if an in-person visit is required.